Photography by: Anna Reagan Photography
Nice to see you again! Well, virtually speaking. If you’re reading this, you opened your eyes this morning. God granted you another day to live on purpose. Do something that is fulfilling to your soul and brings you joy. 2020 has been the year of many things. We’ve lost some phenomenal public figures, fathers, mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, and friends. Recently, the passing of our first black superhero, Chadwick Boseman, struck the hearts of our community with more sadness #wakandaforeverforreal. Our time is precious. It is so precious that breath to breath is a blessing. Don’t squander the day away. With that being said, I truly appreciate you joining me today, and I hope that this post inspires you in more ways than one. If you missed last week’s post, baby what is you doing, lol? Catch a vibe here! This week it’s all new. Let’s get into it…

One of my goals through my personal style journey was to acquire pieces that were more personalized and unique. Including sustainability at the core of it all, I could dream up pieces that were not only easy on our planet but also creatively custom. Creatively Custom: Something that is envisioned in the image of the artist and cut to fit. (My phrase and definition) I wanted to obtain the “just my size” and made to order feel in my wardrobe. It brings about an air of exclusivity that I really enjoy. It’s also one of the ways that I like to include “luxury” into my lifestyle. I’m not big on actual luxury brands. I don’t own anything of the sort. Can you believe it? Maybe just one thing? Nope. Not a one. Designer pieces won’t make me enjoy my wardrobe any more or any less. Not that I would never buy it, it’s just not something that I strive to have in my wardrobe. It’s more of a status symbol to me than anything. A symbol that is empty and carries no real promises. Maybe it promises that I’ll be popular, accepted, or liked. (Insert shrugging shoulders emoji here) I don’t have time for broken promises.

When I create ways to experience “luxury” in my life, that are personalized to me, it means more. Holds more value, ya know? This custom top was my air of luxury. One of my newest neckline loves includes the square neck. Now, if you have broad shoulders, I wouldn’t suggest this for your frame. It can have the ability to make you look too broad on top. Go for things with softer, feminine lines, rather than sharp ones. It’ll soften out the sharp blow of your shoulders. My shoulders aren’t too broad, so I can get away with square necks. I’m lowkey obsessed! The picture that I found that gave me the inspiration for this top was cut a bit different. The actual bodice was high low instead of the skirt part of the shirt being high low. Although the original design was what I wanted, after consulting with the seamstress, she was able to create a custom rendition that I thoroughly enjoy. The process of sourcing the perfect fabric, in the perfect color was also exciting. I went with a cotton poplin because it gives a more crisp structure to the blouse. I selected a beautiful kelly green because saturated colors pop against my skin. I also thought about being able to color block this color with other bold colors and prints this summer.

Speaking of color blocking, I decided to pair my top with a pair of purple, abstract bow heels. I love these heels so much. I think they’re probably my favorite pair aesthetically. Lastly, I topped everything off with a pair of white sunglasses for some start contrast and a pair of handmade gold earrings that were also custom made. I grounded the colors with denim jeans and the look was complete. Tell me what you guys think. How do we feel about custom pieces? Have you ventured out into the world of custom? If so, what did you get made and how did you feel in it? I wanna know all of the details. If you’re seeking an avenue to get your own custom garment made, HGG offers non-other than the Custom Garb. Your style dreams will be made a reality with this personalized service. Click here to review the details and book The Experience! If you haven’t subscribed and you’re here, I’m judging you, lol. Make sure to get on my list to join the crew. Exclusivity is just a click away. This week, my crew got 3 of my top tips on getting custom garments made. So, if you weren’t subscribed, unfortunately you missed out this time. To ensure that you don’t miss out, you know what to do. As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you in this capacity. Thank you for allowing me to fill this space with style knowledge and expression. Until next time, Be Guiltless about your Garb! TTYS!

Style Tip of the day
That appreciation hits different when it’s just for you. Even if you don’t get something specifically made, incorporate the feeling of custom in your wardrobe module by being a little more picky about what it is that you’re bringing into your wardrobe. Make sure that it fits your style personality to the tee, it encapsulates your style aura and makes you feel like it was made just for you.
Her Guiltless Garb
Top: Custom made / Jeans: Warp & Weft / Shoes: Report Signature (old) / Earrings: Custom made from Handmade by Tarja / Sunglasses: BeeLuxuryCo (These are sold out, but Save 15% off any item, anytime with code “Britney”)