When beginning your personal style journey, it is pertinent to start fresh, with a clear understanding of what your personal style is or what you desire for your new style to reflect. In order to do that, we must start at the hub of it all, which is your wardrobe. Inside, tells your style story and HGG will be the expert to help you extract what reflects you at your highest self. To begin your personal style journey, we must sort through and discard the things that may have held you back, and prepare to lay the foundation for discovering, defining and owning your personal style. A garb edit must be the first step in your process of committing to your style transformation.
The Garb Edit is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between you and your wardrobe. Your foundation will be reset and your feelings about your style will be renewed with this essential wardrobe clean out. During this service, we will sort, separate, and discover your supplemental wardrobe items. We will explore your entire wardrobe with the help of a personalized workbook, purge dated items, items that no longer fit properly and decide rather or not tailoring is an option, discover items that you no longer wear, items that no longer suit you or your new style direction and identify items that are damaged and need repairing. With the new style direction, your wardrobe will be taking, you’ll be ready to take on the world with a new style attitude!
You’re not committing just yet! This button is to prebook your service. Here’s what happens next…
1. Once you click the gold and black button that says, “Ready to book your service?” a form will pop up.
2. Fill out the information requested and hit “Subscribe.” An automated email will be sent to you.
3. Head to your email and check your inbox for the email. If you don’t see it in your main inbox, check your spam or junk folders.
4. Once you’ve located the email, open it and follow the instructions inside. This will give you step by step on how to officially book your service package with ease.
5. Package prices, details and policies are located inside of an attached PDF inside of the email. You will see what button to press to open up the PDF document where this information is located.
6. If you decide to book, follow the instructions listed inside of the email to begin your style journey!