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Her Guiltless Garb would like to proudly present our first ever Digital eBook for purchase!! Our creator, Britney Johnson has worked diligently, researching, collecting and compiling tons of information that will be both informative and beneficial in making your clothing purchase decisions. Everything that you need to know, is now all in a deluxe collection of carefully thought out eBooks. Check out the details below!

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A deluxe collection of eBooks that feature 5 different parts of jam-packed fabric and clothing care information. Consider it as your favorite collection of DVDs or movies. Each section is separated onto a different tape, but you can watch them at your leisure. The main point is, is that you’ll have them when you’re ready!

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  • An easy to read and deluxe collection of 5 separate parts that make up 1 ebook.
  • Over 100 total pages of a beautifully designed eBook filled with tons of fabric illustrations, and descriptive and detailed text.
  • Over 50 different fabric introductions with visuals, important information about their performance, and recommendations on if you should invest in them for your wardrobe.
  • A brief introduction to the textile industry with information that you never knew that you needed to know!
  • An introduction to the most common natural and manufactured fibers, and how to properly care for them.
  • The good and not so good properties of some of the most common fabrics in your closet.
  • The best detergents for the most common natural and manufactured fibers.
  • A description of some of the most common clothing stains and how to remove them.
  • Pages of specialized clothing care tools that will help you keep your wardrobe in tip-top shape.
  • The best fabrics to wear in spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  • The best holiday fabrics.
  • The best fabrics for outdoors.
  • Performance terminology that describes and explains some common issues that occur from the wear and tear of the clothing that you own.
  • The fabrics that you should invest in for your lifestyle.
  • Quick Info Cards that can be easily saved to your mobile device and kept handy when shopping.
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How many times have you made a clothing purchase unaware and uninformed about what it was that you were really buying? How many times have you purchased something and not taken a look at the tag to see what it was made of? Why? Because fast fashion teaches us not to care or pay attention, but instead, to buy and to keep buying. Most people make clothing purchases based on appearance first, then secondly based on the fit. Yes, it looks good and fits well, but what about what happens to the garment after wearing it a while or even the first time? How do you know if the fabric is even the best fit for you and your lifestyle? How do you know if what you’ve purchased is even going to last you through the season? How can you make more purposeful, informed and aware shopping decisions to build out the best wardrobe of your life, if you simply don’t know what you’re getting? The Ultimate Fabric & Clothing Care Guide answers all of these questions and more.

It puts you ahead and in complete charge of your wardrobe, and allows you to be smarter about all of your clothing purchase decisions. As a result,

  • You’ll save tons of money in the long run
  • Avoid making costly purchase mistakes &
  • Be more knowledgeable about how to take care of your pieces the right way

Why drain your pockets if you don’t have to? If you spend $25.99 on a Forever 21 shirt and end up throwing it away to go by another one, you can make a smarter investment on a guide that would’ve taught you not to make that purchase in the first place.

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